Google Soon to Show Site Name Not Domain Name in Searches
Say goodbye to seeing URLs when searching using your mobile phone. On April 17, Google announced its plan to replace the once-standard domain name with the real name of [...]
Say goodbye to seeing URLs when searching using your mobile phone. On April 17, Google announced its plan to replace the once-standard domain name with the real name of [...]
Maybe you’ve heard of all the “Mobilegeddon” hoopla; if you have, it likely struck a little fear into your heart, triggering questions around what Google might be up to [...]
At the core of a great marketer lies a truly creative being. When marketing becomes formulaic, it falls flat. When it’s creatively tailored to meet the needs of the [...]
Google is at it yet again. The search engine giant is rolling out a huge update and causing major waves in the content world! I’ve talked about the various [...]
WordPress is a great tool for your website and blog hosting. It can help you create great posts that rank well, but you need to make sure you do [...]
Every content marketer on the planet knows that quality content is key for driving results. Although results can come in all shapes and sizes, it all boils down to [...]
While search engine optimization experts and brand managers have debated the efficiency of links for some time and the future of link building has become questionable to some, word [...]
The current state of affairs for social media is a mix of unpredictable technologies and evolutions that we can track and anticipate. Case in point, take the biggest social [...]
This is the age of information. In 2012, there were an estimated 51 million websites on the Web, and about 140,000 new site launches each day. This saturation of [...]
You know that you need to write excellent, engaging content to help bring in more clients and clicks, but did you know that accurate content is just as important, [...]
As a small business owner driven by big marketing goals, you are probably striving to come up with new methods to reach a larger audience. You know you can [...]
Nearly 1 out of every 4 of the world’s most dominant websites are housed on the WordPress platform. WordPress is a widely embraced content management system because of its [...]
They’ve been warning us for a while, but Google have finally announced that mobile-friendliness will be added as a ranking signal next month: “Starting April 21, we will be [...]
#SEO can determine the success of your website. By tapping into the power of SEO, you will find customers find you faster and you rank higher on search engines [...]