Can Google+ Stop Facebook From Becoming the Top Site on the Web?
All the talk recently has been about Google+ and can it beat Facebook at the social networking game? But a more interesting question to consider is the heated Google [...]
All the talk recently has been about Google+ and can it beat Facebook at the social networking game? But a more interesting question to consider is the heated Google [...]
Small business social media starts with making the decision to be part of the conversation. Not as easy or cut and dried a decision as one may think. What [...]
Whenever Google has a major algorithm change or update, like clockwork, you can count on a huge army of “haters” to come pouring out of the woodwork complaining about [...]
Every business, large or small, local or virtual, needs a website. You already know you need a nice looking site with content that is free of typographical and grammatical [...]
I was watching the TV show Biography recently, and the celebrity being profiled was none other than Ted Williams. No, not Ted Williams the famous hall of fame baseball [...]
With all the talk in the SEO world focused on “content marketing” lately, many website and business owners are focusing their SEO attention on their blogs and the long-tail [...]
ICANN, the governing body for all Internet addresses, has announced new changes on how domains will be named in the future, which could definitely spell trouble for not only [...]
Unnoticed in the Tuesday release of Firefox 5 was Mozilla’s decision to retire Firefox 4, the browser it shipped just three months ago. As part of Tuesday’s Firefox 5 [...]
On April 12, 2011, Senators John Kerry (D-Mass) and John McCain (R-Ariz) announced proposed legislation that could become the first federal privacy and data security law. If passed into [...]
Google’s always coming out with new fangled gizmos. It’s amazíng how many new, updated, or overlooked tools you can find during routine research. Of course, not all of these [...]
In my previous article, Google PageRank: SEO Treasure or Fool’s Gold? What the Experts Say…I argued strongly against the importance of PageRank and believing in it as a reliable [...]
There are many ways in which video can be used in your online business for both branding and marketing. Just think the statement “if a picture paints a thousand [...]
Merriam-Webster defines a myth as “a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, [...]
Every generation thinks they are special. Dickens’s wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” back in 1859. After the death of Jesus, many [...]