
How Social Media Will Evolve in 2017

“2017 will continue to see an evolution of the many things we saw in 2016, so rather than it being a revolutionary year, it will be an evolutionary one.” [...]

Top Marketing Trends to Implement in 2017

Without a doubt, the global digital economy represents the strongest potential of untapped revenue in recent years. According to eMarketer, $1.915 trillion was earned throughout 2016 solely through eCommerce. [...]

The Hottest Social Media Trends of 2017

“These days, social media waits for no one. If you’re LATE for the party, you’ll probably be covered by all the noise and you might not be able to get [...]

How Facebook 360 Can Spice Up Your Content

Millions of hours of daily video watches combined with billions of photos uploaded on Facebook equal a really big number of social media users who are posting, sharing, and [...]

4 SEO Tips You Need to Know

By Henry McIntosh Photo Credit: Augur Marketing via flickr When you’re talking SEO with most business owners, the majority think there’s a magic bullet that can shoot their business [...]

7 Ways to Protect Your Identity in College

Whether it’s your first fall on campus as a college freshman or you’re returning to campus as an upperclassman, college is an undeniably busy time where you’re juggling new [...]

Google Goes Mobile-First: How it Impacts You

By Tina Courtney         “To make our results more useful, we’ve begun experiments to make our index mobile-first.” ― Doantam Phan, Google product manager     Mobile’s [...]

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