
Facebook Live: New Tools to Get You Noticed

By Tina Courtney “Scheduling a live video makes it easier to build anticipation and buzz with your audience before your broadcast begins, so you can start strong with an [...]

12 Social Tools for Increased Holiday Sales

By Tina Courtney Image courtesy of (Stuart Miles)/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net “Sellers who’ve embraced social media are creating new opportunities that totally bypass traditional sales channels… It’s about good selling – [...]

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Instagram

By Julia McCoy Instagram: a hot platform for all things visual. Our friends use it to post photos of their daily escapades; our favorite companies use it to showcase [...]

6 B2B Social Media Tips For Any Platform

By Tina Courtney “Perhaps one of the more understated benefits of social media in B2B is the ability to establish and foster expertise within a given industry or niche. [...]

4 Competitive Steps Your Business Must Take

By Michelle Baker In this fast-paced and shifting economy we live in, at the end of the business day, an entrepreneur inherently asks himself “what did I do today [...]

New Features in Google Docs Businesses Will Love

By Tina Courtney “Today we’re launching new capabilities across G Suite to help employees reclaim their time and come together as teams on strategic and creative projects so they can better [...]

6 Facebook Ad Tips to Really Move the Needle

By Tina Courtney Image courtesy of ( David Castillo Dominici) / FreeDigitalPhotos.net “Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.” ― Mark Twain Facebook [...]

4 SEO Cheats That Result in Google Penalties

By Tina Courtney Photo Credit: Augur Marketing via flickr “In the past few years, Google has really thrown down the gauntlet with updates like Penguin and Panda, essentially saying [...]

The Perils of Social Media for Small Business

By Tina Courtney Image courtesy of (chanpipat)/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net “Just as most businesses put in place technology measures more than a decade ago to combat email phishing of their employees, I believe [...]

Image Optimization: The Achilles Heel of SEO

It’s no secret; visual creations are a necessity for engaging online audiences. Be it an image, an infographic, a video, or any other type of optical amusement, people can’t [...]

Your Checklist for Creating Viral Content

In the movie “Adaptation,” Nicholas Cage said that writing is not about redoing or rehashing, it is a journey into the unknown. Creating viral content works on a very [...]

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